Contact us

Contact us


Clinic Address :
Unit 1-No1-East second Boostan Alley-Farahzadi Blvd-Shahrak Gharb-Tehran-Iran

  Tel : +989126131560 ، +9821-88376932 ، +9821-88376822
Reception days and hours: Saturday until Tuesday 16:00-19:00
We will be proud to become informed of your recommendations and criticisms by the following contact form.
Bahman hospital
Shahrgharb-NourthIran zamin-Tehran

   +9821-88575901 –10

Noorafshar hospital
Sadeghin Alley-Khudaverdi Street-Poor Ebtehaj Street-Bahonar SQ-Niavaran Street-District 1-Tehran-Iran
Atiye hospital
Farahzadi Blvd- Shahrak Ghods-Tehran- Iran
Khatamolanbiya hospital
Rashid Yasemi Ave-Valiasr Street-Tehran-Iran

  +98-88797751– 9

Sasan hospital
No 43-After Felestin Sq-Keshavarz Blvd-Valiasr Sq-Tehran-Iran

  +98-88965170 – 20
